Final Public Showcase
Posters and Live Demos

Wed 4 May 2016


12:00 –1:30pm


2:00 – 3:30pm


310 Jacobs Hall
UC Berkeley

Course Description

CS160 is an introduction to Human Computer Interaction (HCI). You will learn to prototype, evaluate, and design a user interface. You will be expected to work within a group of four or five students in this project-based course. Your project topic will be proposed by your group and your project design and implementation will follow a human-centered process. The final result will be an interactive prototype of a novel user experience carefully tailored to the needs of your intended users.

In contrast to most of the other CS classes at Berkeley, CS160 does not primarily focus on particular algorithmic techniques or computer technologies. Instead, the focus of the course is on developing a broad set of skills needed for user-centered design. These skills include ideation, needs assessment, communication, rapid prototyping, algorithmic implementation and evaluation.

Useful Links

Lectures: Mon+Wed 2:30PM - 4:00PM in 310 Jacobs Hall
Instructor: Professor Eric Paulos
Contacting GSIs: via Piazza
Midterm Exam: 16 March 2:30-4pm
Public Showcase: TBD during RRR week 2-6 May in 310 Jacobs
Final Presentations: TBD
Final Materials 6 May at 11:59PM

Course Staff

Office Hour Section