
This year students worked remotely on designing and implementing mobile phone applications focused on EQUITY+INCLUSION. There are several ways to experience this excellent student work.


Showcase Overview Page

A full overview of all the projects including links to invidudal portfolios of each project. This is a great place to explore the work.



Project Video Playlist

A playlist of each of the 23 projects in a two-minute video format motivating the problem and describing the solution.


Live Interactive Poster Session on Gather
Thursday 10 Dec 10:00–Noon PDT
but you can drop in anytime and explore *OPEN NOW*


Perhaps the most fun and interactive is to join us on Thursday 10 Dec 10:00–Noon PDT in our Live Interactive Poster Session on Gather. During that time students will be in Gather to present and answer questions about their project. No account needed, just drop in using the link above, wander around our outside-online showcase, interact with student teams live, and celebrate the outstanding student work this semester in CS160 on Human-Computer Interaction focused on Equity+Inclusion.



Finally, we also developed a new educational tool called Kalidescope to support student's individual and team creative work as they created various artifacts along with their design and coding process. This tool allowed students to provide feedback to each other, create portfolios, and understand their design process. This tool is still in development, but we hope to make it more widely available to others soon. You will see elements of it in the student work as it was used to generate student project portfolios. 


Special thanks to the CS160 Teaching Team:
Rundong Tian • Janaki Vivrekar • Srishti Goswamy • Heidi Dong 

and Kalidescope Team:
Molly Nicholas • Sarah Sterman • Janaki Vivrekar • Jessie Mindel

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